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six minutes to go

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Dee Sa | 18:58 Sat 16th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
its an unwritten rule in our house that we dont open the booze until 7pm, so I now only have 5 mins to go then I shall have a nice vodka & sprite.
I have finished 4 crosswords this afternoon thanks to A/Bers in that section, the tv doesnt look very good for this evening but I have recorded plenty of movies during the week.
Hope you all have a nice evening.


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You're of now it's 2 mins past.
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we have an unwritten rule that we don't open a bottle unless the sun's over the yardarm but as neither of us know or care what a yardarm is, or if we've got one, or if the sun's over or under it, we just open a bottle when we fancy, particularly on a saturday.
i would agree, tv looks pretty dismal this evening so we're going to watch a dvd or something that has initials like that, the title of which completely eludes me at this moment but it's about hitlers secretary...i think.
enjoy your evening dee :)
It's 6.00 for me, but only during the week.

And that's only because I work from home and, if I didn't have rule, I'd be ratted by tea time most days.
I have no alcohol to open. Hubby is supposed to be bringing some home from the pub. :-(
Fat chance, Jan ... unless you're going to drain him ... LOL
Lol jj. He's just text me to say he's just ordering a curry so looks like he will be in soon. Good job too, I could do with a vodka (the off licence is opposite the Indian).
I have all the whiskies that I keep for when guys come round.

I mean like my friends, with their husbands.

I don't have a succession of men round here, you understand.

If I could get to like those, I'd be set up for months.
I don't like whisky either but hubby does. He knows that will be safe from me.
I like to have a selection to offer, even though I don't drink it myself.

(although I have been known to share one with the BF sometimes).

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