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day at bingo

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slinky.kate | 17:12 Sun 17th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
went to the bingo and had a great day,won£225.£5.£5.£15.£7.50.i think my lucks in


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Fantastic Kate!!! I could do with luck like yours at the moment! School hols, cars just cost a bit of money and now bugger all to spend on days out!!!

I think I will have to start going to Bingo!! :o)
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thats brilliant isnt it.
Hope you're buying lotto tickets this week.............
Congratulations, enjoy your win.

I'm wondering if you can play bingo online without too much complication? Off to look around.............
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headwreck i will give my friend a donation as she wasnt with me,we only half if we are together when we win.
well done kate - it's nice to hear of someone winning
congrats Kate I went last week but only won£2.50 as it was a £5 line but I had to share, the week before I won £100 t and thats the first win for yonks.I have a bingo buddy who wins all the time but not me !
Do you play on the new machines at Mecca [ I do !] or on the old fashioned books ?
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i go to the mecca but i play the books,they machines are expensive,though you have a better chance of winning
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day at bingo

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