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Eurovision song

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Paul22118 | 18:34 Sat 16th Apr 2011 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Just viewed the prog about Blue and the Eurovision entry for UK...........Looks like another nil pointsin my opinion - or do you think differently. Don't comment if you are Blue fans just be true and objective about our hopes.


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Not a huge Blue fan, but i thought the song was'nt too bad. It's all irrelevant though because we won't win because we are the UK and everybody else seems to hate us
21:30 Sat 16th Apr 2011
I'm not saying we're going to win but I reckon we will get a few points! I'm not a Blue fan at all really but have to say I love this song!!
I was not that keen on the programme, ( I don't know why I kept watching it really, I think I just hoped it would improve) I thought that it was really padded out. Not keen on the song either! You asked for opinions!
I like the song and really dont think it will do blue any damage but there arent any transvestites, midgets, or funny gimics ...never gonna win
Not a huge Blue fan, but i thought the song was'nt too bad. It's all irrelevant though because we won't win because we are the UK and everybody else seems to hate us
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Rattyratgirl I think you have hit the nail on the proverbial. The song does not matter any more it's us isn't it. The Uk got to fifth, I think, last year with a good song written by one of the best modern composers. Sung well and gained some serious points, but Blue - not this year.

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