Have you been out and about, working, lazing about or busy at home?
Mine has not been so good today. Got up feeling groggy as if I'd done a few rounds with Tyson. Did some shopping and my bag-for-life collapsed and died in Asda. I bought a jumper in M&S yesterday, tried it on this morning and had to take it back as the stitching was coming undone, there was a huge queue of people taking trolleyfuls of sale goods back. It has been really a wet and windy day and I had to go to the photo booth to get a photo for my replacement driving licence, I hope they accept the photo, my hair ist sticking up in places. The photo cost me £5, not exactly studio quality, I felt robbed when I saw the state of myself. I think I'll have an early night tonight.
had a good day, area manager visiting tomorrow and so we focused on shop floor standards and the store looks really good. All the mothers day cards are out, I'm waiting for the first person to moan about the price of them and then I shall make an unsubtle comment about them being lucky they have a mother to buy for and to count their blessings, I shall post a thread with the most outraged response.
Slept well last night...got up took doggy to vets! I forgot my bank card and had to go get money and go back! Was mortified!,
Been feeling bit run down and sniffy so decided to make soup, which then led to me making two desserts...haha funny now they are sitting i would rather a bag of crisps
My soup was tasty im pleased, i know its only soup but id love to know how to cook just by deciding what i want and throwing it together,....its a start!....im thinking nice bath soon...and chilling with some AB chatting and a mag. Uni at 9am for a half day xx
Ok day gran, very windy here but no rain, it was so windt that I couldn't close my car door for about 5 mins!............Must have looked so funny!.....me hanging onto the door, but unable to move it!.......picked up the grandchildren from school, took them both home, a few tantrums followed! (must try to control myself!!) then I came home, cooked some food, and am now chilling ready for same as tomorrow!..........
I would have contemplated same...lol let us know how u get on at school, they have to do something your wee one cant feel like that day in day out no way xx
.hi pinki don't know if this will help - one of my grandsons was being bullied, parents went to school and were told "no bulling here". little lad wore football shinshields inside his socks and then everytime they (the bullies either kicked him or pushed him about in the class room he jumped on the table and yelled he was being bullied until the teacher did something about it. also told teacher that head should be informed. he was 9 at the time. worked it out for himslef. head and teachers had to do something. bullying stopped.
Oh pinki I hate to hear about someone being bullied, I hope it gets sorted out soon, Glad you've got more wine. tinks glad you managed to sleep last night, you've got the right idea though making soup have the deserts and then leave the crisps til later lol.
Hi Welsh it's been really windy here I got blown about a bit today. Friday tomorrow lets hope we'll have a better day,