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Funny lies you were told as a kid

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tinkerbell23 | 23:16 Mon 18th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
The bad fire?

They stopped making batteries for my keyboard LOL

Worms will come out my bum!

I heard of a kid whos told when The ice cream van plays a tune Its out of icecream .lol omg how bad is that hahaha xx


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My friends mam had her bloody terrified of white hi-ace vans cause apparently they were the "bad mans" van, she'd fcuking freak if we were out and she seen a white van hahaha
23:18 Mon 18th Apr 2011
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Suez same in scotland :0)

Where do they come up with these tales!?

Everything when i look back was god this and jesus....ooh ur making baby jesus cry lmao WHAT!
My friends parents are deeply religious and used to tell her that Michael Jackson was immoral and acted on behalf of the devil..I rememeber watching mtv in hers and the video for Scream was on, her parents went nuts, turned the telly off and sent me home..
I know Michael Jackson wasn't everyones cup of tea but a devil worker...naaahh
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Hahah!! X
I was told that the big building, near to the bus stop where we'd catch a bus into town, was a home for naughty children. (I believed it for years until one of my school friends pointed out the small sign that said "Castle Hill Old People's Home'!).

Thunder claps, I was told, occur when two clouds bang together.

But the best one must surely have been what my father always said when we went on a day trip to Felixstowe. He never failed to mention that there were more sandy patches, in the main shingle beach, at the northern end of the resort. He'd stress to me how much better it would be to walk to the north end of the beach, so that I could build better sand castles. I could never see that the beach was much better at one end of the seafront than the other, but I believed that he must know best. Over the years I've re-visited Felixstowe on many occasions, and I've often looked to see where the sandiest parts of the beach now are. It was only a couple of years ago, after OVER FIFTY YEARS of believing my father, that it finally occurred to me that the northern end of the beach is simply the bit furthest away from the amusement arcades, funfair rides and ice cream stalls which my father hadn't got any money to spend on!
During torrential rainstorms I was told that God was having a wee-wee.
Does that mean, when we have gales, he's been on the mushy peas?
lol... I'm a bit worried about hail stones then! did He have kidney stones! ouch!!
I was told that Ginny Greenteeth lived in the weir near us in Nantwich; a tale concocted to keep us kids away from somewhere very dangerous. It didnt work - the little boy next door drowned when we were about 6. I can remember running into the house to tell my Mum he was dead.

I was also told that if I pulled faces and the wind changed my face would stay like that....and the one about the chewing gum swelling in your tummy..... and not to go out with wet hair or it would fall out or whatever.
Most Sundays, mam and dad would take me and my brother out for the day, we used to love going to the dublin mountains, me and brother loved this particular part were there was a little stream, beside it was huge rocks that formed a type of cave structure, dad used to tell us not to get too close or the bears would come out and be angry haha

My brother used to tell me that if i turned the tuning dial on a bedside alarm radio we had all the way to the end when it just sounded fuzzy that I could contact other people, i used to do that and speak into the radio trying to contact people..Fcuker!
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Rofl suezy hahaha!! Aww chris ur dad prob didnt have the heart to say no so just avoided lol!

I had the bad girls home too or the gypseys would steal me! I was terrified lol!

Also all the stars in the sky were santas elves watching me!

And the dinner ladies too to make sure i ate my lunch pmsl xx
Tinkerbell, Our parents didn't have lie alot did they??hahah
half rather

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