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Sleep Glorious Sleep.

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Bbbananas | 08:22 Tue 19th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I am sure good sleepers and insomniacs alike will agree with this little adage I read the other day:

"The amount of sleep required by the average person is 5 minutes more......."


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Couldn't agree more :)

I woke at 5 and spent the next 2 hours trying to get back to sleep. Finally nodded off just after 7.30 and had to get up at 7.45..............
8 to 9 hrs, I have, it's great ;-)
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Ideally I like 8, usually I get 7. But I always want 5 more.....

(hours & minutes ladies & gents - not inches....) ;-)
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Oh, here we go, smut o'clock already !
and here's me thinking you had lost your magical touch salla
go for it
I hadn't a clue what B.E meant yesterday,, duhhhhh
took me a while but I got there..LOL
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B.E. ??
the poster got taken off , but he said he had a shiny one..

i could do with a few more hours :-(
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Big End?
Barium Enema?
bell-end salls...
6 is enough for me, (with 5 minutes more)
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lol lore....

Oh Bell-end, yes. Did I make that comment? It is a good old recognised Lincolnshire expression.

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Sleep Glorious Sleep.

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