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For the self possessed

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McMouse | 10:31 Tue 19th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Tesco's have Holy Water on special offer. A sort of bogof that works on strange end of the world thingies.


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What? Really? Whatever will they come up with next? They obviously don't think the end of the World is coming soon then or they wouldn't be trying to make a profit from gullible people.
Must get some before the world ends next year then.
well I've been on their website and I can't see it. Do you have a link?
What ever next -- is a young lady we know supplying Tescos with the Holy water the two guys offered her., earlier posts?
For those of us on a tight budget, do they do anything for the Re-possessed ?
do they have it with a twist of lemon?
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Morning, can I have some votes please: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1009954.html

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Now you are definitely spamming ed, I;m reporting your posts
Yep agree - Ed is spamming now.

And why so obsessed with the MOT poll? A single plea on each topic would suffice, not one on every post. Come on.....!
I thought it was self obsessed water on offer... >>>>> runs back to check...
McM is that in the spirits aisle?
isn't that just Evian? One of those where if you read it out loud and then listen to it backwards.. it's the devil telling you theTRUTH!!

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For the self possessed

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