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How many

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cupid04 | 01:38 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
words per minute can you type. I ask because just now a lady aber managed to fill
all the latest posts. Does it take years of practice? Did you all go to secetrial
college or are you self taught? It takes me nearly a minute just to type a short clue in
crosswords and puzzles.Any tips so that I can be a whizz on the keyboard as well?


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i haven't got the drive or inclination, to ever type for a full minute.
usually it is someone with several instances of the browser open. They fill in all the text in each then go through them in sequence clicking the 'submit' button.
oh, that's crafty scotman I never thought of that.
p.s. cupid. I taught typewriting but still make mistakes.
Thanks Scotman - you've solved an old niggling problem for me.

I subscribe to the Times Crossword club - free access to all their crossies for £25pa. cheaper than buying the paper!

Sometimes, I do the short little Concise crossie online at midnight when the new one comes up, trying to be first.

I can do it in about 3-5 minutes quite often, but someone always comes up with one minute or so. obviously, that's a team effort with several instances of the crossie, all shouting the answers to someone who just types them in.
At college I got a certificate for 90 words per minute. I can probably do around 70 now but haven't timed myself, that would be a bit sad.
not necessarily several instances of the browser

different tabs...
... in the same browser (if this works)
I can do about 100 words a minute, but it then takes about 5 minutes to correct the typos.

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