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Whats happened to Saddam Hussain?

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AliFlump | 08:40 Tue 11th Oct 2005 | News
12 Answers

Hi all, You dont see any reports in the papers any more about Saddam Hussain, can any body tell me where he is or what America have decided to do with him? Thanks



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The trial starts next week,as far as the reports coming out of washington go.(:)
Question Author
Oh right that'l be very interesting ill have to keep my eye and that

He is in a secret location in Iraq, awaiting trial on war crimes. These include the massacre of 400 people from the village of Dujail in 1982.

He went on a presidential walkabout there, and around 20 villagers launched an attack with guns etc, but they were outnumbered, and Saddam took his revenge by shooting most of them, burning their crops and confiscating their houses.

I heard he was given a council flat with top of the range furniture, a mobile phone, wide screen TV and a leather jacket. All courtesy of Ken Livingstone.
You can NEVER resist can you WM!?! :-p :-)
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ha ha WM i wouldnt put it past blairs lot!
Theres a lot of daily mail readers on here i notice...
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Why you think that Surfer Mike? People always go on about Daily Mail readers and i never know what they mean by it.
nowt wrong with the Daily Mail. I prefer The Times myself, DM tends to knock the Police a bit too much for my liking. And they didn't support the Gurkhas in their pension plight. If you have ever worked with them they deserve a fortune. So there!

It was tongue in cheek ali.....

Or was it????

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OK,  but i have heard people say stuff about Daily Mail reader,s i read it bout once a week but my main newspaper is the mirror, is a good quick read with info while im a work with no scantily clad girls all over it!
Last I had heard, he was in a comfortable cell, comfortable for a 70 year old man, he tends to plants and writes poetry. The trial is to start soon and Saddam still proclaims himself as the President of Iraq.

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