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seeing as the weather is so nice...

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stokemaveric | 18:41 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
what song reminds you of summers past???...and why....


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Mungo Jerry's In the Summertime!

Takes me back to the long hot summer of my teens.
it has something to do with the title, but i won't tell you what

Cheesy, but cheerful. I was in love for the first time.
Young hearts run free by Candy Statton, Misty blue by Dorothy Moore and most other ones from the gorgeous summer of 76. Also The first picture of you by the Lotus Eaters (1983 was lovely too) Not much these days. Maybe i`m getting old but there don`t seem to be many memorable songs these days.
Oh I forgot, Summer Breeze by the Isley Bros of course.
Will Smith's summer summer summertime reminds me of being free and (newly) single and relieved.
It was May/June time of 1967 I was 19, right in the middle of my first serious relationship and wherever Sue and I went it seemed to be playing, We split when Sue eventually went to Oz with the rest of her family. I saw her a couple of years ago when she came over for a holiday,and almost the first thing she said "do you rememer Grooving". Happy days

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seeing as the weather is so nice...

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