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anyone know why my cold water taps in the bathroom have stopped working [sink and bath]

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stokemaveric | 18:07 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | Home & Garden
27 Answers
the hot ones are fine,and all the other taps in the house are working ok..the cold water tank is full its puzzling me..thanx...


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Sounds like the basin and bath Colds are tank-fed, and there's an air lock, Stokers.
Open the basin and baths Colds and put one's gob over the basin spout and blow!!!
Sounds a bit distasteful but usually works.
19:21 Wed 20th Apr 2011
ill have him monday - friday, you can have him at the weekend ttfn, :)
I wish The Builder was available in my area and was willing to do a few paid jobs for me..... stokemaveric, you've got away with it for nothing.:-)... Full marks to you, but an honour's degree for TB.

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i think the builder is nearing hero worship status here lol
stoke.... a " handy man " is essential to all women !
Anne....I agree.

Viv...(the better half of vivandorron.)
oooh ........... turned my back and I missed it. I wish I could live next door to all of you :o)
.......... maybe not .............. "Builder moves in next door" ......... there goes the neighbourhood ;o)

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anyone know why my cold water taps in the bathroom have stopped working [sink and bath]

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