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You can't beat a bit of British beef.....

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Bbbananas | 10:07 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
That new Freddie Flintoff ad for Morrissons is brilliant.... Freddie is such a nice guy, and I hadn't realised just how sexy he is.... I love his Northern accent. I would be the horseradish to his topside anytime.


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I'd just be a Yorkshire Pudding - lol
aberdeen angus, very best.
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I've never really followed cricket, but he really is adorable.
I'll be the quiche.
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Who said Real Men don't eat quiche?!!
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And who the hell was he when he was at home?!!
Bruce Feirstein (born 1956) is an American screenwriter and humorist, best known for his contributions to the James Bond series and his best-selling humor books, including Real Men Don't Eat Quiche and Nice Guys Sleep Alone. Real Men Don't Eat Quiche was on the New York Times best seller list for 53 weeks.

courtesy of Wikipedia!
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And I thank you both.... you learn something new every day.
I used to eat Lorraine.
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Kelly or Chase?
It takes me 3hours to cook roast beef & trimmings; then 1hour to clean oven after. Too much time for a meal consumed in 30mins.
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But Freddie Flintoff is still hot.
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Do you polish your balls on your whites trigger?

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You can't beat a bit of British beef.....

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