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OMG - just met our new medical trainee....

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Bbbananas | 11:28 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
Swoon. FY1 (Foundation Year 1). Male. British. Bit of Gorgeousness.
Shall I offer my services? Hell yes - show him around, show him 'the ropes'...... he will be putty in my hot hands.


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That's er comforting mazie :-(
poor buqqer with you lot pulling him apart like hyenas at the barbecue fest.

He doesn't stand a chance.....(lol!!)
I thought you would be pleased
Crafty - Yes, I sure did - surely nobody remembers me - it was back in 1978!!!!
It's just that I worked with someone called Julian in the 70's.................

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OMG - just met our new medical trainee....

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