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Fao Bobbisox

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alexanderd | 17:05 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Hi Bobbi, sorry I didnt answer you yesterday, lost internet connection. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine,


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Hi Alex, yes it been quite nice but not as warm as yesterday, quite a lot of mist this morning but we still managed to sit out on the decking for some lunch, which for this part of the country is indeed, a rarity..LOL
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I know you were missing for a while but did you know I was rushed into hospital recently(not looking for sympathy by the way)
Real sea fret today in Whitley, overcast and chilly. Hope it doesn't bode bad weather for the weekend.
noooo Alex, what happened?
I know your not asking for sympathy, not your style pet x

Mike I saw that on the local News, peasoup eh?
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Went for my annual mot and doctor sent me straight to hospital with heart problems. Was in for two weeks and now taking enough tablets to kep a chemist going. Didnt feel there was anything wrong but it seems my heart was going too fast and when i came out I was told that if I hadnt been admitted I would have had a massive stroke or heart attack and probablyt wouldnt be here now. Scary eh? I,m a lucky boy
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Mike, drove down to town this morning, glorious sunshine and 16 degrees at home, halfway there 9 degrees and fog.So I came home again
Oh Bloody hell, I am pleased they caught it Alex so now are you on Beta Bockers?
what a wake up call eh?
live for today, I say
i hope you do what the doc tells you alex ,you are the best moat cleaner ,ever 'at the over fifties club.
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Beta blockers, warfarin, water tablets, you name it I am on it !!!
arhhh rat poison eh?
for a lovely bloke too..LOL
which Hospital were you in?
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No, Sunderland Royal, just 5mins down the road from here. I will make my 70th birthday yet!! Only four weeks to go
of cause you will Alex, then you me and Mike and maybe Brenda and Bloomwood, can hit the Toon eh?
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Its a possibility, off to see what is for tea now pet, catch you later maybe
you take care Alex xxx
Joy x

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Fao Bobbisox

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