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Summer sun madness.

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Teddy_boy | 14:59 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Why is it people seem to go mad when they see a little bit of sun in England?Its an automatic signal for fat bald men to take off their shirts and try to impersonate a lobster by seeing who can get burnt fastest.Am i the only person who thinks its just a bit mad?


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As an addendum ,why do they buy football shirts if its only to be tied around their waists?
...and those terrible three-quarter trousers that shouldn't be worn by anyone who is not in their teens.
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muffin topps?
are rangers playing near by, sounds like the huns are in town
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Most of the locals wear Manchester united tops .Around their waists.
they wear them like that to cover the split in their troosers caused by their big fat bummmms
Dad? Is that you?
shhh,.......... no, i've told you before
I like fat bald men, I feel a little indignant on their behalf
you should go to Ibrox cazzz, there are thousands of them, it could be your utopia
And what about the women exposing acres of unlovely cleavage.......yuk.
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mcmouse i saw a lady sitting on a park bench today with a builders crack hanging out the back of her jeans to envy the grand canyon.It almost put me of my cornetto.
tb, as long as she was happy, thats what counts,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not everyone can be a size 10 !
And why do those same fat bald men insist on cooking sausages on BBQs as soon as the sun comes out too? They'll be plenty of that this weekend and in between the footy and the larger drinking.

Or am I being a spoil sport?
I would have been tempted to drop the Cornetto discreetly into the Grand Canyon. If nothing else it would have caused a temporary shrinkage of the expanse.
The redskins were carrying pizza to the beach as I left work tonight
Sugar, i have just remembered.

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Summer sun madness.

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