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Why Do We Care!

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Astonvanilla | 18:08 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
All this speculation about Premier Footballers, Actors having affairs sleeping with prostitues, that's their downfall. If they want to embarrass their families on their head be it. I do like a bit of gossip and will have my say when when we find out who's who but I am more concerned with what goes on in my life, hoping my flowering plants will bloom etc, Whats your priority!


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I don't care anything about those things, none of my business - I'm with you, av, home and family is my priority - oh, and keeping my job!
I don't care who is 'doing' who - but once they make it a secret human nature makes us want to know.
I agree with boxtops am really not interested, but I do not want to lose what little is left of my freedom of speech, and this is what is happening with their gagging orders.
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