I know that this topic has been on AnswerBank before and have looked at references on the internet. I would like to see the actual forms that one has to complete to nominate a Lasting Power of Attorney and guidance as to what sort of wishes a person would normally include. There are several places on line where one can fill up forms at a price, but I would like to be able to see forms first. Can anyone help with this please?
The forms are freely available online:
You can see why some people charge silly amounts of money for organising them once you have seen the forms! We charge around £200 (still a lot!)
Stephen Pett Media URL: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/Mentalcapacityandthelaw/Mentalcapacityandplanningahead/DG_194971 Description:
Thank you Steve. I have so much to read it will take time to wade through it all. Pity that financial affairs have to be a separate arrangement from health and welfare, as if one isn't enough to cope with!