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OK, quick poll, me...............0.4

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Mick-Talbot | 20:49 Sat 23rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
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Q - 0.04
A - 14.94
Erm...........I'll take the 'fifth' on that.........:o/
Ohhh I meant.... me neither to starbucks answer, not the gobs**te one.
what are you all bletherin'about,oh'i just dont know,you lot,
I had no idea China was a bigger gobshite than me.

^^^ I'm pretty sure the published evidence is to the contrary...

(snags reckons you're talking buIIshit too and he never ever defends me so ya must be!)
Q - 0.3
A - 33
Question Author
China wobblegob 13.5
MT ...mousemouth 9.3

You can't argue with facts ;0)
Yeah.... but I only have the one name....

Lots of love
Mrs Bucket.
"see, this thread has learnt me something new today too.

I had no idea China was a bigger gobshite than me."

TAUGHT, dear boy, TAUGHT.
not a clue what you lot are doing wasting your time doing maths it won't get you anywhere.
I said that at school, but they still made me do it.
Question Author
barbed wire love ?? ;0)
Only if you're liking me to Pamela Anderson... Wub woooo... ;0)

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OK, quick poll, me...............0.4

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