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Garmard | 11:42 Wed 19th May 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
What careers do you AB'er's hold and if you could choose a more likeable career, what would that be?


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I'm an IT manager, worked in various IT related jobs for most my working life so far and yeah, I do quite enjoy most of it.
I'm a civil servant but was a secondary school teacher for 10 years and that was my true vocation.
I know I laugh and joke about things on here at times but by Profession I was a Radio Officer in the Merchant Navy, responsible for the Maintainance and Operation of all Ship Telecommunications Equipment. My Employer was Marconi International Marine and their Head Office was in Chelmsford.
These days I am an AnswerBank Groupie ! :-)
My father used to work for Marconi in Chelmsford, redman.
That's interesting Chuck. Very often ex-Radio Officers joined up with the Marconi Techs at their Chelmsford Head Office and worked there if there were vacancies.
Went to Chelmsford once for a refresher course on a new make of Radar Marconi had brought out.
My home base was Liverpool and London (East Ham)
I spent 18 years as a graphic artist. Took a few years off for my daughter,and moved to the UK in that period.
To earn money when she was small,I turned my talents to making jewelery and then hand-painted papier mache items...which I loved doing-but people won't pay for.
Through one of my contacts who I sold through, I started cooking. I now work as a part-time cook in a drop - in centre for the homeless and vulnerable. I love it - everyone has a story to tell-some quite horrific. That's the real world though,and it is nice to help people in any way.
Meteorologist - 25years it pays the bills but it's not the same as it was and if i could find an out with the same returns I'd be gone.

dream job - pro photographer but the money is not there to make the jump, make some bits of cash on the side but not nearly enough
court liaison officer. I prep fraud cases and assist prosecutors in court.

I'd rather be a speech therapist.
Student, if that counts and part time car boot sales person, but i'm forced to do it.
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