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OH, What a warm night that was!

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Bobbisox | 06:37 Sun 24th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Quite uncomfortably so, are you finding it difficult sleeping in this warm weather?


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. a former New Yorker,I have a giggle when 70deg gets called hot here.......
pasta...I know! I know!.:-)'s not the heat that is a killer it is the humidity.
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awww shurrruuuppp man...sqads, I was warm then
hormones, have I still got those Yankee? pmsl
true...and NYC is surrounded by water
So that's why I haven't moved to Spain in spite of the fact that my sister who has lived there for over twenty years keeps nagging me. I can't stand the heat. Never sunbathe and have the fan going if it gets too warm indoors.
The answer to sleeping in warm weather is a ceiling fan in the bedroom, wonderful ! Totally silent and makes such a difference.
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might invest in one of those jamesnan. thanks
It was very warm last night............the dog got out of his bed to sleep on the granite floor in the bathroom.
We had mega thunderstorms late yesterday afternoon and the rain settled all the pollen and made my hay fever better. It`s still gorgeous but slightly cooler.
I agree with jamesnan.......we have both air conditioning and ceiling fans, but ANY fan, ceiling or otherwise is extremely helpful.
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double entendre Mr Sqad..LOL
Our 4.5 tog duvet is out today and being swapped for the 10. OH quite convinced it'll put pay to the nice weather though. We can always throw a top on if it chills.

However much it snowed we were never quite cold enough for the two clippped together.

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OH, What a warm night that was!

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