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mamyalynne ?

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anneasquith | 15:43 Mon 25th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
has mamyalynne given birth since last night ?


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Sea bass?! I'm a cat! Ok, a big cat, so lots of fish... Purrrrrrr
what his or her name then? if a girl it has to be Abba, after us lot. If a boy, it surely must be Ed?
Well it is Easter.................
so a boy is Easter Ed - you are egging me on, craft!
I don't want publicity suffice the say he is a cub off the old block.
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is ED the father ??????
no but it's an eggstraordinary birth...........
mamya's going to get cross and crucify you, craft......
O vary funny DTC.
it's a miracle about Magdalene for a girl and Judas for a boy.

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mamyalynne ?

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