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jobs writing spam...?

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joko | 01:42 Tue 26th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
someone must write and come up with all this stuff...someone must trawl the net adding websites etc to forums, someone actually sends the emails, and gathers the addresses...
who does it all? there must be millions of people...obviously the boss of the organisation is doing it but surely not alone...
i have never seen an ad for a job as spam writer... where do they come from?

have you ever been asked by your boss to do some spamming?



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I once had a conversation about spammers with a gas fitter who was doing the annual service on my boiler. He admitted to being one of the people who 'harvests' email addresses and then sells them on to spammers. He said he was making quite a bit of money 'on the side' from it.
like gas fitters are strapped for cash!

I've often thought about this as well - how does it work? It must be organised. There must be companies set up who pay employees, take orders in from customers etc.

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jobs writing spam...?

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