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woodelf | 20:45 Mon 25th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I know I'm way behind the times, but with regard to Twitter, was there some kind of leaflet or learning course or what?...people just didn't start tweeting or whatever it is, surely there must have been some kind of info about what it was?...what was it? Ta Muchly.


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No course, just jump on in there....the best bit is to see how many people you can offend enough to get blocked....politicians, celebrites and the like..... 15 so far!!
If there was it passed me by, I joined Twitter in April 2009 and it remains a mystery
i cant understand how to use it either...very baffling to say the least....
I joined (can't remember why) but then some people started following me so I haven't been back since. All seems a bit weird.
I am not at all confused by Twitter.

(I have never been on it, and I have no intention of starting)
Hopkirk - me neither, I can't see why anyone would want to. I don't understand it at all.
Actually its dead easy, it's like facebook and the chatter bank in many ways, the biggest restriction is 140 characters per message. You can use it to FOLLOW your favourite celebs, rockstars, sportsmen and the like and people can follow you, friends family anyone really and you have the ability to block them if they are offensive or you just don't want them knowing what you're up to. It's like using status updates on FB but in smaller messages!
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Many Thanks All and I think I'll steer clear of it too...anyway, it'll probably be like facebook and my space, just a screen full of unintelligible phraseology and terminology.
I tweeted twice last night for the first time . How do I know if anybody reads them?

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