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fao Mamyalynne

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alexanderd | 20:11 Mon 25th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
What have you been doing while I was away? The new avatar tells its own story


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if it was street cred boxtops, then the baby would be named Pall Mall Lynne. Sounds like a new brand of ciggies....
How dare you, I feel my cred is somewhat improved.

Royal connections, maybe but not a humble Prince!!
NOT THE DUKE OF EDINBOOR.....surely not. He does have Desert Disease though.

Better known as "Wandering Palms"
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Was that LieinKing I sw handing out the cigars earlier?
Thanks alex, I rest my case it is Prince Charles after all he is a Lie-in (waiting) King....

Dirty Buqqer. Hope Mamya is being paid an orb or two and is Clarence now 4th in line to take over the top crown job?
Having been alerted to this thread, my team of lawyers are arranging the relevant paperwork for a super-injunction...
With all this publicity I have had to remove Clarence from the public gaze, in truth the bright lights and noise were rather unsettling him.

Injunction, you say!! Be a man and honour your promises.

Good afternoon mamya! The cheque's in the post...

My mate Mr Justice Eady hasn't signed off on the papers yet, but as soon as he does - ££ "Ker-ching"!! ££ :-))

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