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Its possibly been asked already but...

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janzman | 21:17 Thu 28th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...what toilet facilities are provided for those good folk who have camped outside Westminster AbbeyBuckingham Palace for days on end.....I do seriously hope it doesnt rain ...:-)


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well it would wash away all the little'accidents'
It's been asked on the How Do They Manage thread.
dog poop bags maybe?
hundreds of portaloos delivered today
They were talking about this on the radio this morning with people who had slept out before. They were saying that the nearest decent loos are in Victoria Railway station.

Unfortunately I think the heavens are set to open tomorrow with some Right Royal Rain.
For those there that are pregnant they can use a policmans helmet! (Not sure if this law still stands today or if ever did stand but I'm sure I heard it somewhere)
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Im not really interested in the events of the day,I have to work so I'll miss it live anyway,but I so hope the weather stays fair for all involved.God bless them....
I think it's a bout 4,000 portaloos they've set up.
Are they free? And do the foolish people who have camped out lose their place while they chase off to the portaloo? "On your feet - you lose your seat"? Some have camped out for a couple of days - how do they manage with food and drink. They surely cannot manage without. There's a chance for someone to go round selling hot pies and cold drinks. Could make a fortune.
Yes they'll use the Porta-Loo's but for freshening up they'll use baby wipes, wet-wipes & deodorant spray. Won't hurt for a couple of days.
This is what my daughter used to do at pop festivals.


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