What great about being British?The great pastime of knocking other people.Isn't this just an indication of how petty and jealous we as a nation have become?Its very sad sometimes reading the newspapers and looking here to see the jealousy and bitterness and the lust to judge peoples personal lives .I find it very sad.
I am neither petty nor jealous. Just sick of the hype surrounding 2 peeps whose marriage vows are the same as everyone else's, but without the 2 billion people hanging on every word.
Also, no-one slated me in the press the following day about my dress or for being late.
Therefore I've no reason to be bitter, just wonder about the flipping fuss. Some of us have a life to get on with and can't because of blooming holidays.
You do seem quite rattled and fixated by it all.Perhaps it would be better for you if you didn't think about the wedding if it bothers you so much?Especially wondering how long something will last that hasn't even happened yet.Does seem like youre thinking about it , possibly more than you should , given your overall opinion of the wedding.But that's merely my opinion , which you seemed to ask for , and have duly received.
Mike if you mean Edward then youre totally wrong.He was in the marines for 4 months and then resigned his comission.Try googling if youre stuck on things its very helpful.
He is honorary colonel of a couple of regiments which I suppose entitles him to some kind of uniform, but his only real military service was 3 months as an officer cadet in the Royal Marines.
Mike youre being pedantic.Are the royal marines part of the british armed forces?The answer is yes.And to be pedantic back it was 4 months not 3.You do seem to have an axe to grind.Please grind to your hearts content.But this is one poster who has said all he has on the subject.Grind away .