Im actually doing a study on this for my final year project, my personal theory is that people think that their passwords a secure, but when you look at something like a brute force password cracking software, it can take as little as a day to crack a password that has lowercase, uppercase and numbers. a day may seem long but if you only change ur password one a year then score 1 to hacker - 0 to user.
my recommendation to you and everyone is not to use dictionary words or names, not to keep passwords that are related to each other and to please mix special characters, numbers, upper case and lowercase and to have a minimum 6 character password.
cracking software programs are smart. i should know, ive been studying them for 9 months straight.
if you dont mind, Please can you help! i'm doing some research for my project and i need some volunteers to fill out my survey. If you cant answer it can you at lease forward the link on, tweet it or or anything, so it get to as many people as possible.
Any help is appreciated greatly. Thank you !!!!