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In the car with Kate Middleton....

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boxtops | 14:49 Sat 30th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I wondered who that woman was in the front seat when Kate was driving from the hotel to the Abbey. I've just read on another site that it was her bodyguard - dressed for the wedding but still armed, just in case.


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@boxtops - What you Agree to

- That a Royal life is worth more than someone else's
- The Middleton's and/or Royal Family can't afford to foot the bill for security

On these points we will have to agree to disagree I think :-)
Question Author
Let us agree to disagree then, a good compromise, thank you.

I would not presume - ever - to say Man A is more valuable than Man B, but if Man A becomes a bodyguard (indeed, in most instances, becomes a policeman or a member of the Armed Forces), that is a risk you sign up to. You are not an unwilling human shield, it's your job.

The Royal Family and Middletons have paid for everything else apart from security - which must have set them all back a bit, so it's not as if we paid for it all.
Quite right boxtops. Yesterday did nothing but good for our country worldwide.
Made me very proud to be British. I didn't realise how patriotic I was. What a wonderful day.

And just think of all the wealth that those that came from far flung countries to witness this occasion have brought into our country.

How lucky we are to have our Royal Family and such great traditions.
Well said Lofty
Royal Protection officer Sgt Emma Probert, assigned to Kate as her bodygaurd.
I agree LoftyLottie :-)

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