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Apparently incahol and alba belong in the same sentence

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albaqwerty | 19:50 Sun 01st May 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I won't disagree with that.

T'other night I set the alarm on my mobile so I could go out and get my bearings for the ISS sighting.

The alarm went off and I answered it and couldn't fathom out why no-one was there.

Ergo, alba = twit :D


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errrrrrrr ok
Taxi for Albaqwerty please
It could have been worse, Alba. You could have answered your phone and heard voices talking to you. Then you'd have known that it was time to lay off the incahol for a bit ;-)
I've done that too Albaqwerty!
Nice one moonie!!!
Why have you queried 'incahol', Daffy?

Surely you must have been 'under the affluence of incahol' at some time in your life!
One tries one's best welshy.
I put my mobile phone alarm on when we were abroad to wake us up at 6 30am to go on a coach trip for the day. I'd forgotton to set the time on the mobile.
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at least no-one googled alba=twit pmsl

I like to share my short-comings and goings

There is always a problem when there is too much blood in the incahol system tho :)
In the old days alba, I found that having a Smirnoff transfusion remedied that particular problem Haven't touched it now for over 15 years

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Apparently incahol and alba belong in the same sentence

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