Can anybody recommend a travel insurer who they have had personal expereance with in solving problems abroad,I'm looking for a policy that covers over 70s cheaply with hypertension and stents fitted.
Not sure about the medical exclusions or declarations, but the post office do a good one - and some have travel insurance free with their bank acounts. You'd need to declare the medical issues in order to be covered (but you know that).
My mother in law(85), used staysure and claimed off them with no problems. She has a couple of medical problems which did of course put the premium up. My mum, who has no problems, uses the Post Office most of the time as they are usually cheapest.
Thanks for the answers so far I have tried the obvious insurers so far,Saga,Post Office but the premiums shoot up as soon as you reach certain ages plus with medical conditions,
Will try "staysure" Please keep them coming in.
My parents used ALLCLEAR last year when they went to Spain and they were a lot cheaper than the one they used the year before. My father has a lot of pre existing conditions and they were the cheapest he found.
I'm also unable to provide the 'personal experience' which you're seeking, but I can direct you to the specialist broker which is recommended by many charities for those with medical conditions: