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tv channel RT

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deggers316 | 11:15 Fri 26th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
does anybody watch the "Russia today" channel ,i like to watch this having visited the then USSR in 1968 for 3 weeks i fell in love with the country
but it's spoilt any enjoyment watching the news sections on it by having Russian newscasters using the strongest USA west coast accents ive heard in a long time
anybody else find this annoying?


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deggers i'm a fan of RT too
and if find it irritating, why the russians have to sound SO American beats me, a great country should not imitate the u.s. it's demeaning for them,a russian speaking standard english with a hint of russian would be easier on the ear
RT is without question the worst news channel on the airways.. Even leaving aside the comedy accents. The station is geared at a USA audience, as evidenced by the plethora of items about that country, and an absence of virtually any analysis of Russian politics.
Their news bulletins are interspersed with cheap propaganda, backed up by the opinions of conspriacy theorists and rarely do you see a report which attempts genuinely to inform. Their agenda is to "promote Russia" and ironically, they do this rather well with their travelogue-style documentaries about different regions of the country. You have to wonder, however, about a station which spends a lot of its time promoting Moscow entertainment and nightlife
The station's self-styled motto is "question more", but that's pretty rich coming from a station in a country where journalism is a genuinely life-threatening occupation. The "question" I frequently ask more and more is "how on earth can anyone take it seriously"

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