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Voting results

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Dee Sa | 10:02 Fri 06th May 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
when will the results of yesterday's voting be known ?


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Was there an AB poll ?
its all over the news at the mo
The AV vote should be known about 10 p.m. tonight.
mike ... I think it's pretty much known already !
Question Author
thanks to all, wont loose any sleep over the result anyway, did mine by post anyone I spoke to about it yesterday didnt bother.
Dee Sa ...

I did vote but, like you, most people I know just didn't bother.

Which says it all ...

Are we a nation hungry for electoral reform, which will change the way the country is run?

Naah ... can't even be bothered to vote on it.
well so far, the SNP are destroying the opposition
nice avatar steg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or should we call you alex ?
For the first time in my life I did not vote so I have no right whatsoever to have any say in the matter

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