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fao joggerjayne.i hope you scribbled those horses down i tipped...

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stokemaveric | 18:36 Fri 06th May 2011 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
oasis knight....17.15 aintree..WON..5/2..
samurai sword..17.20 ascot..WON 2-1
coeus..only 4th....
willandrich..18.15 aintree WON 5-1


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I saw this earlier and was considering a visit to the bookies and a few quid. However, being a jinx, had I done so you would not be reporting wins.
only 4th......................... For Funks Sake ...........rubbish stokie ;0)
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lol oh well postdog...go for it m8 my tipping has been,shall we say a bit dire of late,but i do have my good days but as you well know betting is a mugs game if you let it become that way,i post my tips as a bit of fun and hopefully net some of you a bit of cash along the way lol...sorry mick i DID try lol....

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fao joggerjayne.i hope you scribbled those horses down i tipped...

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