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Is this indicative of Grandmas and and Grandads,,,everywhere?

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Bobbisox | 22:34 Fri 06th May 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
James Corden on the Paul O'Grady Show Tonight
talking about his new baby

"I have just met you but already I will die for you"

and parents too of cause


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probably. I sometimes think i would have swapped my life for my daughters, but who knows - it's easy to say
Its strange how having a baby changes the way we think. Before having my son, I was never Mumsy or the least bit emotional where kids were involved. Then bam, this little person changes everything. Its an uncondiional love you can't explain, the need to protect instinct comes in barrel loads.
i felt that way, the minute my pregnancies were confirmed :)
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I really found this to be a profound statement bednobs, from a comedian who I don't particularly like..
(btw, I know what you mean )
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it is like
Who are you?
then ....I will lay down and die for you
Becoming a parent turns even the mildest person into a passionate one who would lay down their life for their young.
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must be the Animal instinct in us Mamy..:+)
If anyone had wanted to attack my children they would have had to kill me first.
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very true Starby
I've been involved in two <ahem> lets say, confrontations, sticking up for my son when he was small. One of my confrontations ended up in a bush and the other flat on her back in her front garden......(:0( (I might add, this was not on the same day).
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you are a haredon so you are..LOL
but first you are a Mum, DEN xxxx
Exactly. - I'm off now. Nite Nite. x
Question Author
me too pet

nite nite x

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Is this indicative of Grandmas and and Grandads,,,everywhere?

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