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moonraker558 | 09:17 Sat 07th May 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Sat here twiddling my thumbs, can't go out in the garden coz it's wet, can't do anything indoors coz oh is in bed after doing nights, so just waiting for the F1 qualifying to start at 11. Anyone for a cup of tea/coffee?


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Coffee. Big one, please.
Any virtual biscuits to go with that?
Do you go rusty if you go out in the wet? :-)
Not rusty ... but your hair goes frizzy, and you look like a loo brush.
JJ - Are purposely avoiding your thread from last night?? :-)
I look like Diana Ross when my hair frizzes in the rain!
But boys don't care about such things...
I'm hoping there will be lots of new threads today, so that my thread from last night will drop off the page.
I'm sure Doc will help with that JJ ;o)
JJ pet, you bought the drinky?
nowt to do with any bugger then..LOL
Morning btw :+)
clean, dust, tidy, wash up. Thats what ive just done as bloke having lay in.

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