I have no problem with gay people. I've found that a lot of people who do have a problem, usually have a problem with their own sexuality. I also have no problem with someone who doesn't like homosexuality; that is their right. What puzzles me, though are the following: How can a man say that homosexuality is wrong, when he's quite happy to fantasise about two lesbians? How can a person say that homosexuality is wrong because 'sex is for procreation'? Is the person who says this, saying that they've only had sex twice (if they've only got two kids)? How can someone say that the Bible says it is wrong, so it must be. I may be wrong, but doesn't the Bible also say something like 'thou shalt not cast thy seed on the ground'? Show me a man who says he never w*nks and I'll show you a liar.
By the way, good morning all :)