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goodnight all....

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stokemaveric | 23:46 Sat 07th May 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
sweet dreams to you all..x


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night night stoke and sweet dreams to you too...
Night stokey.x

I too am offski to my slumberland
Night night Stokey xx
Me too alba. just going to say goodnight to MOFC and then I'll be straight to bed. Night stoke - hope your business deal is successful. Night classylady.
You too stokey. x
night, think i'm off soon as well' hope yr meeting goes well tom
botox, sweet dreams.... i backed your tip and it only came forth....
G'night, Stoke.

I hope that your business lunch goes well tomorrow.
Goodnight stoke, I'm going to bed too. Mrask is asleep on the sofa I'll have to wake him up.

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goodnight all....

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