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Blimey, I know I've killed a few threads in my time

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Postdog | 22:25 Sun 08th May 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
but it now seems I've expanded it to whole topics. Someone post another question please before I get a complex about it!


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You haven't got a complex. You're just paranoid. :D

Btw, you're not the only one to have killed threads !!
Just congratulate yourself, Postdog, that you've obviously moved on from posting answers which can't be bettered, to posting questions which can't be bettered either!
I'm paranoid about being a thread killer, someone has to be last though and it's usually me!!!! You watch.
I see several where I got the last word in. That sounds lots better than killing it in my opinion. When life hands you lemons throw them at somebody.
If you look at your own Profile ... and look as Questions I Answered ...

... and see how often the last answer was from yourself !

And you think ... All of those threads fizzled out after I posted on them.

Or ... maybe that's just me !!

(cowtipper gave the "glass half full" version of the same answer)
Question Author
I'm a born pessimist
It will be me.
Is thread killer like ant killer?

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Blimey, I know I've killed a few threads in my time

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