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moonraker558 | 04:51 Mon 09th May 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I don't want to upset you but it is Monday morning and the start of a new up and at em. For me? new week new list. Have a good one .


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Morning Alba x
Have a good day workers all =)
Morning, Alba, absolutely persisting down here
I've cursed it. There's a couple of ominous looking clouds appearing.

Have you sent them up here Welsh?

Back to job-hunting for me today. Ohh, the joys of awaiting more 'no thank you' letters.
Not guilty, Alba, when I drove in this morning the sun was rising over the hills - a beautiful sight and, now, just 2 hours later rain, rain and more effing rain! Just hope no1 son has enough sense not to put the washing out before he goes to work.
If he's anything like mine, he'll leave it in the machine. :)

Having said which, I feel it takes longer to put in the clothes-horse than peg it out on the line.

Drat the weather, it's too fickle.
Ahhhh, the art of pegging out - not got the hang of this yet, I must get some expert help - and with the ironing - not quite got the hang of it yet but it is coming along!
Right...I'm off now...enjoy the day everyone. =)
And you Noraq
take care nora xx

The problems of making sure denims stay pegged on the line is one of my bub-bears.
Good Morning everyone from Sunny Southend and it really is, beautiful blue sky to crown it all. Yesterday it was the same when we went to see friends at Great Bently. Its been four weeks now without rain, but I've a feeling we are going to pay for it.

Take care. - Jem
Jem, I'll gladly swap you this morning!!!
Good morning every one, lovely morning here it Notts. just hope it lasts
oooh paddy. You're being brave, tempting fate y'know. (Voice of experience here lol)

Morning to you and Jem xx
Morning everyone

Lovely here again this morning. Hope everyone has had a good weekend. I have, my Oh had me stripping in the bathroom and then in the kitchen. Im worn out. Glad to get back to work for a rest. :~)
I know, but I've just been told that if it looks like rain, I'm going to Nottingham to carry the shopping for the boss and my two sisters, not a nice job as it involves going in every shop in town and then going back to tha first one we went into to buy something
cue music.........
Just another manic Monday

Good morning one and all x
Morning all, I'm at home today as Little Tiggs is unwell :o(

We were up most of the night with him crying. As its a sunny, warm day, I'll take him out for a stroll later.
You must know by now it's a female gene paddy :)

Morning SL (like the song)
Morning all, it's a lovely sunny morning and shame I am at work!!!
Nice to see you all up and bright and bushy tailed. I've got a stack of ironing to do so better get cracking.
May see you later. (if I haven't thrown this PC out of the window by then)


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