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How did he get the caravan and bike?
Question Author
ummm, if you read it thoroughly, you might find the answer
I did. It said 'he' got a caravan and was allowed to park it in exchange for labour. To me that would mean instead of rent....
Question Author
if i remember right, this isn´t new, doesn´t this system exist somewhere else? wasnt it in japan?
How does he get his bike taxed and insured?
I don't believe you have to tax and insure a push bike!
Ummm, get your specs on:

"How to get... a house

…well, a caravan at least. Mark picked his up at freecycle, an online community of millions of likeminded money savers. It works like this: If you've got a toaster that you don't want, you can post a message on the site saying "I've got a toaster" with your post code. You can also post wanted messages like "I need a new toaster". Then if someone does they'll email you back, saying "I have one, pick it up at so-and-so-time".

Mark says: "It's very simple, you can send out an email and in 15 minutes you'll usually have what you're looking for. I've got everything from mobile phones to tents to my caravan. This woman got in contact and said she had one that she couldn't be bothered to fix-up so I just took it off her hands. It was worth £500 and in really good condition." "
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I didn't scroll

But I would think that also Trim...
Its true that we can all go some way along the road. We bought a woodburning stove years ago and people got used to seeing this "gyppo" as my dear neighbour calls me, carrying it on a bike. So many people offer firewood that foraging is only occasional.
Do lots of little jobs for people and bottles of wine appear like magic. Really looking forward to the digital changeover when the older ladies want somebody to do it that they know. The fruit trees would see us fine if family and friends didn't come "grazing on the hoof"
He'll be offering the fact that he's helping to neither pollute the earth nor buy into the capitalists agenda as recompense, I should imagine....
Dead right Chuck, I assumed it was a motorbike.
Don't you have to pay council tax if you live in a caravan permanently..?
Don't think so ummmm. The Pikeys on out local site don't seem to.

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