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sports,games and patimes

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potterer | 22:42 Tue 10th May 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
I expect i'll kick myself but just can't get these.
1) A type of one. (7)
2) H2O plus 40 (5,6)
3) the english navy,not in ships. (6)
thanks in advance.


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2) water skiing ? depending on the answer to #40
Question Author
that's the first kick!! doh
first letters of each word in clue 3
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Doh again!! am i in for a hat trick?
what is the ans to # 1?
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I made no. 1 Bridge.
Thanks Bibblebub and Bellabee.
You said 7 letters for no 1 so how is that bridge
Question Author
My q1 a type of one.(7)

In the quiz q1 answer is bridge.
1. Pontoon ?
1) pontoon
Question Author
I've done my kicking. many thanks all.

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