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Do you have times/moments of utter contentment?

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Bbbananas | 10:10 Wed 11th May 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
And if you do, aren't they nice?! And I do hope you appreciate them, cos you never know what bugger's going to come along and spoil it.



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sometimes...usually near the sea or in wild places watching some wild creature... keeping very stil and quiet
Question Author
It's looking out to sea, or being near the sea that often does it for me too rowan.
D is the first initial of my surname, 97 is my favourite prime number( don't know why) the x7 doesn't mean anything to me. I came up with it as a way to maintain a bit of Internet anonymity.
My real name is Nick
wild day...huge waves loads of spray knowing hot chocolate with all the trimmings awaits....
Question Author
lol - you desire maintenance of internet anonymity - then proceed to divulge that your name is Nick. Love it.

Hello Nick, I'm Trina. x How strange to have a favourite prime number.... ;-)
lol nick, nice to meet you
the most serene feeling ever was when I was living in Barcelona, we went for a walk to Park Guell and it turned out it was Antoni Gaudi's birthday so there was all kinds going on, people of roller skates in just undies painted head to toe, a naked woman sitting in a nest, just mad stuff! The best, though, was in the woods, there was a man playing a violin against a vertical bed (he was standing but to look as though lying down) and there were pillows on elastic hanging from the trees which we grabbed and sat on, for about 45 mins in a wood in Barcelona as a man played the violin, it was just crazy but absolute bliss!
Pleased to meet you, the anon bit started when I first started out on the web and was a bit nervous of it all, now especially on the AB it doesn't seem so important.

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Do you have times/moments of utter contentment?

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