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Emmerdale......was that.....

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yelenots | 18:07 Wed 11th May 2011 | TV
15 Answers
Gary Windass (Corrie) in the wheelchair?????? It looked like him!


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if it is I wish he would go back to Corrie - bloody useless like that fartface of a girl trying to shag Carl's brother.
as to the wheelchair lad, I am of course talking about Jackson
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Its all quite depressing for a 7pm programme :(
You want Bugs Bunny or Road Runner perhaps?
Who cuts Jackson's hair?
evidently somebody disabled.....
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Does he not get any counselling?
Jackson or the Haircutter.

This is fiction - and also Yorkshire, you know, but then the two are linked - eeup
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Yorkshire is beautiful!
I know - went to school there, as they say just like they do with Paris, "shame about the folk!"
(Only teasing!!!!)
Exactement! Je suis d'accord.
Tout a fait, mon ami............

(dont know to do those Uni codes for reflexes/acutes/circumflexes etc etc)

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Emmerdale......was that.....

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