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i.m jinxed

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slinky.kate | 16:30 Sat 14th May 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
bad day today,dishwasher stopped working half way through cycle,cleaned hob and now the gas things wont stop clicking,cleaning actifry and broke a little plastic bit thats supposed to hold a mesh filter in,last but not least i cant get the hoover to stay flat on the ground,but it still works,do you think i should just leave well alone and maybe just relax for a while.


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the gas things may just need a bit of time to dry out properly ;)
Yeah, just chill !
Hi kate x That is what you get for showing off ☺
Stop cleaning and all will be fine again. Have a nice cup of tea instead!
I thought Friday 13th was yesterday.....seems like you are having a really bad time hun. Leave everything and go out and get some fresh air. Do you know someone you can ask about the hoover, or it may be worth getting out the instruction booklet (if you are like me and never look at the flippin things LOL) Go online and check if ACTIFRY has a site to order new bits, or take back to the shop where you bought it. They may be able to help you. Good luck :)
great day today, i've turned £200 into 1200... IF
i posted that early, because M City scored............. IF Man city win in the 90 minutes...
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mick thats great,can you buy me a new dishwasher since your loaded
Not exactly rocket science. When my last dishwasher stopped working I sacked the bitch and got a newer model.
This is why I avoid housework... ;)
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the reason i'm trying to clean everything the boys are going to redecorate my kitchen,paint ceiling etc,i have been getting rid of clutter,i am so slow it has taken me a full week.
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just to give the boys a laugh today i stuck my sons cycle helmet on(i looked very strange) in case i done anything else
Hi kate I got that book and started it .I think it is good by what I have read.
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wendilla i finished it,it was good,
i agree with you mike ,should i just throw my son out?
karen no more housework to day.
commiserations sounds just like a day in the life of Dee, pour your self a nice drink & say sod it ! hope it all works out okay for you.
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MY GOD' my dishy has started working again,my cooker has stopped that awful clicking,
hallelulia' 'i am blessed.o k eneugh of that,everything is working again.
Have a relaxing evening slinky!.............things will look better with a new day!.......
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i am so happy i dont have to buy a new dishwasher

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i.m jinxed

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