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Bbbananas | 14:12 Wed 18th May 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
McM - where you you think you can get Nuns Weekly from then? WHSmith?


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As opposed to readers' wives you mean? But with headgear?

McM - come back to me, we can still have fun....
I'm trying to think od some nun jokes (other than those involving soap) ...

... but nun come to mind.
'Nuns R Us' has opened up near here. They do a great line in Wimples.
apologies Salla, obviously wasn't just me though, but i do feel guilty xxxxx

But pmsl @ McMousey.....<sits and waits>
Nun collapses outside a pub. Good Samaritan comes to her aid and asks if she is OK. She replies that a brandy might make her feel better. Chap dashes in to the pub and asks for a large brandy. Landlord replies, "Christ, not that bloody nun again?"
Sister Catherine was asking all the Catholic school children in fourth grade what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Sheila said, "When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute!"

Sister Catherine's eyes grow wide and she barked, "What did you say?!"

"A prostitute!" Sheila exclaimed.

Sister Catherine breathed a sight of relief and said "Whew! Thank God! I thought you said 'A Protestant'!"
I like the idea of a "family site" (as described in the AB Rules)!

I'm imagining parents and their 2.5 children, turning off Eastenders, and gathering round the family lappy to see what's new on AB.

"Oi, Ricky ... "

"Oi, Biancaaaa ..."

"You're bang aat of ordaah ..."

" 'ere, Ricky, there's a new thread from that Sallabananas ..."

"That Salla? She's bang aat of ordaah ! ... "

duff duff duff ... duff duff dufffy duff ...
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Like I said Boo, no offence & I actually admire your honesty, I know in the past you have considered me to be too way over the mark...... doesn't stop me from liking you or liking my nudge wink innuendo.
you actually crack me up in turn Salla, you're one funny lady, just at times i do almost go "oh nooooo" and peep through my fingers at some of your posts, lol.

Don't ever change xxx
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I probably won't ........... ! As near as dammit 50 years I've been like this (innuendo in the cradle, me - I got it from my Nanna Woody). I do actually love the image of you with fingers in front of your eyes, peeping & shouting "Nooooooooooo"

(And JJ - EE saying I'm bang out of order..... Nice one!)
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Oh and triggs, I love you too xxx

Wanna join us?
you are joking right Vibra? I've read what Salla can and does get up to, no thank you!!!

Pat is not feeling very well and he decides to go to a doctor.

While he is waiting in the doctor’s reception room, a nun comes out of the doctor’s office. She looks very ashen, drawn and haggard.

Pat goes into the doctor’s office and says to the doctor: “I just saw a nun leaving who looked absolutely terrible. I have never seen a woman look worse.”

The doctor says: “I just told her that she is pregnant.”

Pat exclaims: “Oh my, is she?”

The doctor responds: “No, but it sure cured her hiccups.”
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Boo - I'm all talk.
As I have oft said on here "I'd rather have a good book than a bad .......(fill in the gap)"
I'd rather have a good book than a bad stomach?
Question Author
you are both correct ;-)
Ohh, wait ... you mean ... "I'd rather have a good book than

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