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Looking over my shoulder

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McMouse | 16:44 Wed 18th May 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I can't see anyone. Should I worry about this?


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Perhaps if you were an owl, you could see behind you.
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boxy...what a hoot.
I can see four people....
Only worry if you've got a mirror behind you.
don't you just love this guy?
no malice, just a funny funny man
Ta McM
"Only worry if you've got a mirror behind you."

be careful in case you see your bum. :o
Oh, I'm there McM.

It's no fun being this short!

Cazzz, nice avatar :)
Hardly surprised with that hood on.
Anyway keep slinging the salt that way and you'll be ok.

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Looking over my shoulder

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