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Abseiling, Bungee, Potholing, anything 'Extreme'...

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Bbbananas | 14:12 Wed 18th May 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Who has indulged, and in what?
Did you enjoy it and would you do it again?

(I had the chance to go zorbing the other week, but had to refrain because of my dicky heart..... what a shame, I'd have been well up for that ;-)


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Near a lovely sounding village called Tincleton - we all wanted a wee when we saw that road sign.

Bockhampton - that's the one.
Might have been. It did seem to be out in the middle of nowhere and there wasn't much there. They did have a short of challet type thing with an office and changing rooms though.
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Yup - at the bottom of the hill. I didn't go in it though cos I didn't zorb.
In a way you were better off. Walking back to the top of the hill was a killer!
Oh, unless you did go down the bottom and just not in the changing rooms. Never mind, I'm tired. Ignore me.
I believe the world champion is Zorba the Greek, or is he the bouzouki player?
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I did the hill milly - I know what you mean !!

McM - bouzouki - don't you eat that? Isn't it sweet pastry with honey & nuts?
I've abseiled and parascended, went in a glider once too, but little more of note. My sense of self preservation is too acute for that.
Enjoyed all but didn't bother going a second time. No point in going overboard with these things.
I've done this too! This was the first time a few years ago now when I wasn't particularly in shape! haha!
I've done the jump in the buff too but you're not seeing that video!
Para scending...wonderful, have done this 4 times, so quiet up there and great fun being dipped in the sea before being pulled back on the boat
Could be right salla. Kleftico is a nice wine that should help it down.
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I wouldn't dare abseil, bungee or pothole. But I have navigated the Channel at night in a 38' yacht, after only 8 months' sailing tuition, whilst the only other crewman on board was asleep. That was pretty scary. I mistook the QE2 on its final voyage for an iceberg (it's blooming cold in the English Channel at nighttime in May). And being 'horned' by a massive Brittany Ferries ferry in St Peter Port cos I was in their way scared the you-know out of me. But, I did it.
<<being 'horned' by a massive Brit>>
The mind boggles.
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That was my ex-husband McM....
Abseiled, jumped out of perfectly servicable aircraft, used to hold a glider pilots licence, wingwalked, till i googled it zorbing did sound like a Salla/JJ type euphamism!!
Went in a Lynx helicopter once (but chickened out of sitting in the front).

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