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I think I might have had one too voddies too many

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Dee Sa | 22:51 Sun 22nd May 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
so its "up the wooden hill to Bethlehem" for me , anyone else remeber that ?


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"Up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire" was the phrase current when I was a bairn.
Up the wooden ladder...
My dad still says up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire, he has got me saying it and i live in a flat,
Yes mike, it was definitely Bedfordshire. So I think I will take the hint and start up the hill. Night all. sweet dreams.
up thje wooden ladder and down sheet lane
I remember it being Bedfordshire, too.
Has Bedfordshire any hills?
Only wooden hills, DT :p
''wooden hills'' for me too...
what wood you know, last post for me too

remember to shut your beams tonight, they can keep you awake.

just as well 2shortplanks is not onto night, probably branching out over there.
DT, you've lost me in your last post....!
just puns about wood......posts and beams etc etc
lol,DT. night night, Sweet beams!
Question Author
your all right it was Bedfordshire of course !but I think I had one too many last night.

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I think I might have had one too voddies too many

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