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Polly1958 | 20:15 Mon 23rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Apologies if it's already been posted,I was sent it today.


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Excellent! Never seen that before, the Harry lookalike is the best !
I have seen it before, but watched it again. Where do they get those look-alikes? I would find it difficult in some cases to tell the difference from the originals. Prince Harry, Camilla, the Duke of York. Amazing.
Yes, the Harry lookalike is an absolute dead ringer for James Hewitt.

Sorry, I mean for Prince Harry.
I love the Archbish
Watch out Jayne he may take out a super injuction against you for that one so no one else can repeat it.
No, surely that's a Tower of London job?
Camilla looked well too.
they showed this on a tv morning show over here, it was also on US tv .I think its great, whoever thought the whole thing up ?
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Thanks for your replies,I thought it was brilliant.

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