Does anyone know if you can buy goats milk from the supermarkets in the UK? When I come back to the UK, I want to start a new hobby, cheesemaking. Many thanks, Valeriea.
yes you can quite easily, when our shar pei was a puppy he was on goats milk and we did not have a problem getting hold of it.Where are you now ? when we came back to the UK after 14 years in Dubai we had quite a problem adjusting, living without a houseboy being the worst !
Dear Bimbo12345, I did think about getting a goat, but we didn;t have any grass on the balcony.By the way, they eat goat alot here in Greece,but not me.
Hello, If there is a farmer keeping goats in the area you move to, it is possible that you could obtain the milk directly from the farm at a cheaper rate than that charged by the supermarkets. Good luck with your new venture!